Lead Service Line Replacement Credit Program
In order to help encourage more residents to replace their lead service lines, the JCMUA has been authorized to provide a one-time credit of up to $10,000, which will be applied to the customer’s future water service charges to repay the cost of construction. This credit is non-transferable and ends with change of ownership or sale of the property.
Customers who voluntarily replace lead service lines and would like to obtain a credit on their water service bill should click the links below to review the requirements and complete the application form. Voluntary replacement has to have been done after July 22, 2021 to qualify.
Email your application and attachments to: leadfreejc@jcmua.com
The following procedures must be followed by Customers to be eligible for a credit for voluntary lead service line replacement:
Customers are required to complete the Self-Report Your Service Line Material form and submit to JCMUA including photos of the lead service line to be replaced
Coordination with the City of Jersey City and JCMUA must be performed to verify the existence of a lead service line and all necessary permits must be obtained prior to replacement.
Following replacement, the Customer is required to submit the following information to JCMUA:
Executed JCMUA Self-Report Your Service Line Material form
Copies of closed permits as required to perform the LSL replacement
Verification from a licensed plumber that the LSL has been replaced, including the cost to perform the work, quantities of material replaced, and proof of payment for the replacement work
Photographs of the existing lead service line before replacement and also the new service line